
First steps!

A project log for Cutebot and CLUE are even better pals!

Building a library to allow Adafruit's CLUE and ElecFreak's Cutebot to communicate while maintaining all the functionality of the CLUE.

jtJT 08/07/2020 at 21:140 Comments

The first version is up and ready! The biggest problem was, CircuitPython doesn't have an easy way to change the i2c clock speed without causing a bunch of problems. ElecFreaks' Cutebot is designed to use a 100KHz i2c clock speed while the Adafruit CLUE is designed to use a 400KHz i2c clock speed. Luckily the CLUE's i2c sensors work just fine at the slower speed. The work around was creating a new clue library that requested the lower clock speed and then shared it with the cutebot library. When importing the clue library, you have to import it through the cutebot library.

import cutebot
from cutebot import clue


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