

An FPGA based robot/automation controller that comes with Verilog and a full Linux API

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"Peripherals on Demand" is the idea of this FPGA based automation controller. It has over 25 peripherals implemented as Verilog modules, over 30 different interface cards, and a really nice Linux API. You can even control it using shell commands. All open-source but you can buy the circuit boards if you prefer.

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The FPGA of choice is a "venerable" Spartan-3E. The Verilog makes heavy use of the Xilinx memory slices. OTOH, we can get 10 peripherals in a Spartan-3E-100.

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Jacob David C Cunningham wrote 08/25/2020 at 19:27 point

Is it concurrent or is it like a schedule/interrupt?

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