
Sunrise / Sunset Lantern

A lantern with candle flame LED that automatically switches on and off around sunset and sunrise.

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To put a little extra light in the hallway of my house I've built a lantern that switches itself on and off around sunset and sunrise every day. I've used a flickering candle LED and build it into an old looking candle holder so it gives a nice mood.

The lantern is keeping track of time using a DS3231 RTC module. In order to know the sunrise and sunset times I added a library that can calculate these times given the current date and GPS coordinates that are hard coded. I programmed the lantern such that every evening it will switch on at sunset and off at 23:30. In the morning it will only switch on if sunrise is after 7:00. In that case the light will switch on from 6:30 until sunrise. The code also keeps track of DST time and switches over by itself on the last sunday of March and October.

From the DS3231 module I desoldered the battery holder. I've heard that these modules will try to charge the battery you put in there and I don't like the idea of it charging a regular non-rechargeable 2032. I'm not sure if it's true for all of these cheap modules, but I didn't want to put in a battery anyway and removing it makes the module's profile lower so it sits flush with the Arduino and the OLED display. To still keep the RTC running without a battery when power is cut I added a 4F supercapacitor. This way the RTC will remain running for several hours after disconnecting power. A diode between the +5v rail and the RTC module prevents the supercap from powering components other than the RTC to keep the clock running as long as possible.

A small 128x32 pixel OLED display will show the current date / time and sunrise / sunset times momentarily when one of the buttons is pushed and is handy when setting the time of the clock. It will be switched off normally. Two push buttons to switch the lantern on and off manually and to set the time complete the hardware. 

Everything is built on a 5x7cm prototype PCB and the LED and supercap are connected with JST connectors so that I cannot mistake polarity later. The two pull-up resistors for the buttons are hidden under the display and provide it with some extra support.

I've put the electronics into a lantern-like candle holder where I drilled an 8mm hole in the bottom to fit the plastic flame that I got from one of those LED candles. It holds the LED and is press fit into the hole after feeding the cable through. A small hole in the side will allow the USB cable through for power.

An improvement could be to desolder the power LEDs from the Arduino and the RTC module, because they make the flame glow faintly red due to the light shining through when the light is off.


When the lantern is powered on it will show its welcome screen followed by the current date / time and sunrise / sunset times of the day. The lantern is now operating normally and will switch on and off automatically. After 10 seconds the display will be switched off. A short press on one of the buttons will again show the time for 10 seconds.

The lantern will switch on every evening at sunset and stay on until 23:30. Every morning, if sunrise is later than 7:00, the lantern will switch on at 6:30 and stay on until sunrise. These times, GPS coordinates and the logic is hard coded and cannot be changed without modifying the Arduino sketch. The light can be manually switched on or off by holding button 1 for 3 seconds. Automatic sunset / sunrise switching of the light still applies.

To change the time hold down button 2 for 3 seconds. The display will switch on and enter the date / time settings. Here button 1 is used to increment the current setting and button 2 is used to confirm and go to the next setting.

Arduino source code

x-zip-compressed - 5.40 kB - 09/05/2020 at 07:37



Example build on breadboard

JPEG Image - 599.78 kB - 08/13/2020 at 18:11


  • 1 × Arduino Nano
  • 1 × DS3213 RTC module
  • 1 × Heatshrink tubing
  • 1 × Flame shaped diffuse LED cover From a small LED candle
  • 1 × Lantern enclosure

View all 13 components

  • I made a bigger version for the living room

    Maarten Janssen08/31/2020 at 07:23 0 comments

    The little LED lantern is now working for a few weeks in the hallway and giving great light effects during the evening. I decided to build a bigger version to put on a shelf in the living room.

    For the bigger version a simple single candle LED would not be good enough, so I bought a flame simulating LED lamp. I was hoping that it would be using the same kind of construction as the one that Big Clive takes apart in one of his videos. Fortunately it did, though the flexible PCB with the LEDs was a bit smaller.

    Even though these lights are made to fit into a regular lightbulb socket and run off of mains voltage when you tear them apart you see that there are two modules: a little regulator that steps the mains voltage down to 12v and a module with the controller and the LEDs. I didn't want to use the little regulator so from the light bulb I only use the LED module and the diffuser part where the LED module is pressed in to.

    Running this light at 12v will produce a lot of light and I find it to be too bright. The LEDs will start to work around 5v and I find that at 9v the effect works very well. For my build I'm using a variable DC adaptor so I have some control over the brightness.

    For the rest the modifications to the build are simple. The +12v of the LED module is connected directly to the power input. I used a 7805 voltage regulator to step down the voltage to 5v for the Arduino, clock and display. And I used a TIP31C to switch the light with the base connected to pin 7 of the Arduino and the collector connected to the negative side of the LED module.

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