Having confirmed that all components are working (it was good that I breadboarded first; it turned out a previous cable I was using didn't have all the wires in continuity so I had to replace it) it's time to cook something up with a protoboard.
Magnet wire has recently been my go-to for point to point wiring, because it looks neat and is relatively easy to work with. This magnet wire has the insulation that burns off with a drop of solder.
And here are our actors. The star of the show is the MDBt42Q breakout board running Espruino. I opted to use some make header pins as some sort of nest for the sensor to keep in in place, while giving a bit of room underneath for various connectors.
Fully assembled, all components fit almost within the protoboard itself. I opted to mount the breakout sideways so as not to obstruct the sensor fan's airflow.
And here's a quick test of the current consumption. According to the USB tester, the whole thing consumes about 80mA at 5v (the sensor requires 5v and has a Vout for 3v3 which I'm using to power the MDBT42Q) when running at the default once-a-second-reading mode.
I also remembered why I initially shelved this project from before: the serial output isn't very clean since the 32-byte packet length isn't sent all at once, and can sometimes even contain stray bytes in the middle which forces you to do buffering of the stream. Fortunately Javascript is a high enough level language to prototype with, so I think I finally got a stream parser that I'm happy with:
var s = new Serial();
s.setup(9600,{rx: D15, tx: D14});
let buffer = '';
const header = String.fromCharCode(0x42) + String.fromCharCode(0x4d);
s.on('data', function (data) {
buffer = buffer + data;
if(buffer.length < 32) {
// get at least 32 bytes
} else {
// find header and discard any previous bytes in buffer
const index = buffer.indexOf(header);
if(index != -1) { // found the header
buffer = buffer.substr(index); // discard previous bytes until header
if(buffer.length >= 32) {
buffer = buffer.substr(0, 32); // get a complete packet
const arrayBuffer = E.toArrayBuffer(buffer);
const dataView = new DataView(arrayBuffer);
header: dataView.getInt16(0),
length: dataView.getUint8(3), // only get LSB
pm25: dataView.getUint8(7), // only get LSB
pm10: dataView.getUint8(9), // only get LSB
checksum: dataView.getUint16(30),
digitalPulse(LED, true, 100);
buffer = buffer.substr(32); // set buffer to leftover bytes
} else { // header not found
I'm running a battery test right now to see how long it would last on a continuous draw (worst case scenario). Depending on the results, I might add instructions to get the sensor to sleep and only do a reading for five seconds a minute, and/or add some sort of energy gathering device like a solar panel or an induction coil to help charge the battery.
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