AN28F010-120 is an automated CMOS flash memory. It is a highly cost effective, reliable and very easy replacement and alternative for the read/write accessible random memory allocation with the help of address registers. The electrical properties of AN28F010-120 ensure familiar programming for test socket PROM (Programmable Read Only Memory) broad allocation. AN28F010-120 increases board flexibly with compatible design while saving the cost of fabrication and contributing to effective data transmission.
Utsource AN28F010-120 Electronic circuit chip
The extended erase programming and cycling capability of AN28F010-120 process high technology growth automated transmission. The advanced structured microprocessor and microcontroller provided good stress for the functional operation of electronic systems. The highest degree latch-up protection is achieved with EPI microprocessor and stressed data pins. AN28F010-120 works in the rigorous environmental requirements and automotive applications.
Key Features of AN28F010-120:
- Program and erase stop timer integrated circuit
- Write protection electronic automation
- Bus operations read and write
- Intelligent identifier electronic system
- Command definition circuit operation
Pinout configuration and pining information of AN28F010-120:
The basic pinout configuration and pinning information of the circuit chip AN28F010-120 is in the figure below with respective terminal configuration and layout specifications.
AN28F010-120 block diagram operation
The pinning information of the chip AN28F010-120 is listed as follows
AN28F010-120 Pinout configuration
Pin number | Pin name | Pin description |
A0-A15 | Input pin | It is the address pin inputs of AN28F010-120 |
DQ0-DQ7 | Input/output pin | The data input and output pins of AN28F010-120 |
CE# | Input pin | Chip enable circuit modulation |
OE# | Input pin | Output enable gate device circuit simulation |
WE# | Input pin | Write enable controls the register entry and memory allocation |
Vpp | Erase program power supply for the writing and commanding the signal | |
Vcc | Device power supply pin | |
Vss | Ground pin | |
NC | Not connected Pin of the IC |
So this is the basic pinning information of the AN28F010-120 Integrated circuit chip.
Applications of AN28F010-120:
As shown in the figure below it is used in the stop timer power electrical fast switching electronic circuits.
AN28F010-120 stop timer circuit application
- Automotive temperature sensing electronic device
- Quick pulse program algorithm electronic circuit
- Noise immunity featured electronic automation
- Memory allocation devices
AN28F010-120 price Alternatives/Replacement/Substitute/Complementary:
If you are unable to find the integrated electronic chip AN28F010-120 then you can also find the replacement, substitute or an alternative of it which shows similar functional and thermal specifications.
The replacement of AN28F010-120 is AN28F010-124
Equivalent part number of AN28F010-120:
The equivalent part number of AN28F010-120 is AN28F010-124
The integrated power electronic circuit chip module AN28F010-120 is used for the wide range of storage and power switching circuits, like timer, stop timer, ON/OFF and other variable state allocation memory devices.