When I started the project, I looked at various designs of DSKY replicas, including:
- Open DSKY: a functioning replica, that uses 7-segment displays, LEDS and tactile switches. The overall design resembles the original DSKY while still being a mono-block unit;
- 50th Anniversary DSKY: a completely functioning replica, with LEDS and a LCD. The buttons are Cherry MX keys. Mechanically, it is gorgeous: milled aluminium, and the dimensions closely match the original (as everything is based from photographic analysis and measurement on real models). However, the design files are closed source.
I found other builds back then, but I can't remember which ones. One thing I could do was start from photographic models and try to match the features as much as possible, while making calculated guesses.
One day, while browsing the VirtualAGC website and incredible details on the internals of the AGC and the DSKY, I came across the "Electrical and Mechanical" section. Thanks to the efforts that Ron (and his team) put into this, a lot of NARA (National Archives) SW Aperture Cards were scanned, which included the original MIT plans: mechanical dimensions, assembling diagrams, etc... For the most important parts of the DSKY! Eureka! I now have accurate dimensions.
...Which are in 2D. Off to create CAD models out of those!
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