
Maker Hand

A free and open source 3d printed prosthetic hand optimized for functionality and durability.

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For the past 3+ years I've been developing what I believe to be the most functional and durable 3d printed prosthetic hand in the world and I plan to release the models, as well as instructional videos detailing the process of customization, printing and assembly in a few months when I'm perfectly happy with the design.

The total cost of parts you will need to make one of your own (outside of the extremely cheap printing filament) is less than 30$ and that will cover the cost of producing about a dozen Maker Hands.

The hand comes in two variants, one for below elbow amputees, and one for people (mostly kids) who have wrists but are missing fingers.

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Nick wrote 11/08/2020 at 23:13 point

Was wondering if it could be customizable to someone who is a partial hand amputee. i am missing about half my palm and my middle, ring and pinkie finger. trying to find workable prosthetics for me in a cheap fashion because it has to be fitted to me has been a nightmare and costly. 

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