
Improving the Light homogeneity within the box

A project log for A DIY Imaging Fluorometer

Is it possible to build a precise Fluorescence Imaging Device at home?

maykeMayke 09/30/2020 at 20:330 Comments

I have decided to tackle 'head on' the issue with illuminating the samples in the box. As you can see from the picture above, the PCB LED panels lay flat on the heatsink; that means that quite a bit of light is wasted illuminating the lateral panels, instead of the samples. To solve the issue, I decided to mount the boards on aluminium blocks cut at a 20 degree angle.

I had the misfortune of cutting these pieces from a 4'X4' block using a mitre saw. Please do not even attempt it. Use instead a swivel bandsaw. The result will be much nicer and precise. I just couldn't justify myself to spend £500 quid on a swivel bandsaw to cut four aluminium pieces, but the motivation is there, and very likely, sooner or later I will succumb to the temptation :)

You can also see a Russian Yasen class submarine lurking in the background. As winter closes its claws around us, and being myself from a Tropical country, I need to keep my mind busy during the coming dark months.

You can see the preview above! I say preview as I have not finished drilling and tapping the holes for the PCB boards and I will need to rewire the whole thing. Although by the looks of it, it will be much easier than the spaghetti mess from the original. 

Looking good! I can't wait to obliterate some alien plant with a shot of 4000 μmoles as soon as this gets done.
