LibreGates is an abstraction and generalisation of a "PDK" or gates library originated in #VHDL library for gate-level verification. As such it is useful as a "design space exploration" tool for top-down optimisation. It started as a simple alternative barebones library for distribution of Libre designs targeted at the now obsolete Actel ProASIC3 FPGA, helping to keep the optimised designs alive despite vendor lock-ins.
So the original library grew to a general, multipurpose one with bells & whistles, trying to provide all the possible functions one might desire or need. It can be used as a generic collection of gates for prototyping, without thinking too much about logic optimisation or platform limitations at first. Only once the design space is explored and constrained, one commits to the chosen technology, its PDK and its specific list of gates and functions, then maps the gates. But this might not be convenient. For Libre projects, it is desirable to be able to provide a dumb gates library along with the design source files, for when the PDK is not available. So far only the full generic LibreGates definition file is provided.
Or, one might start from a given PDK but the gates names and pin assignments do not match the gates that LibreGates defines. Talking with, something became apparent :
Software stacks use API and ABI so why not create an ALI ?
After all, each PDK and logic device forces its own Application Logic Interface to the user through a selected list of allowed logic functions. So far all these types of applications are siloed, entrenched. They barely talk to each other and any choice will overly specialise an optimised design to the selected technology. And LibreGates tries to bridge them all for design portability so we need a formal definition of the ALI.
So the TODO list gets a new item : after I finish the code for the backwards gates, I'll add the support for an external definition file (.ALI) that will enable LibreGates to define and regenerate any desired subset of gates. Any PDK or platform can thus be distilled down to a language independent file.
For now I consider customising:
- Library name
- gate name
- mapping to the internal LibreGates name
- pin assignment / swap (later)
- fanout/drive ? (for later)
Note : other extra analog data such as per-input delays are irrelevant so far. Parametric values might be unavailable or ignored for now as it is too high level for these shenanigans.
The format will be crude at first so I don't need to rewrite Flex and Bison in VHDL. So maybe I'll have to write a JSON parser in VHDL someday.
This way, anybody can generate their own VHDL library (or other language later, like Verilog ?) with their own namespace, and distribute the generated library file in the same AGPL licence as the rest. (Why AGPL and not LGPL ? Because the library is not meant to be part of a shipped product since it is a temporary substitute to the final gates lib).
This is a big deal because so far, we speak of "technology" as both the physical parameters and implementation (think : discrete transistors, TTL, NMOS, PMOS, IIL, CMOS, ECL, FPGA, you name it) and the "logic language", the available set of boolean operations permitted by said technology. The huge driving force for designing LibreGates is the ability to port and refine a circuit, from TTL to FPGA and from ECL to NMOS. Or simply map a high-level circuit to any of these. And since now wants to port his LogiLib, more flexibility is required, without touching the core source files of LibreGates.
So for example an ALI for discrete CDC-style gates (implemented with discrete saturated transistors) would contain half a dozen gates only, with mainly NOT, NOR2, NOR3, NOR4 and latches. ECL ALI would have these and some more others like XOR. TTL ALI gets NAND2, NOR2, XOR and the likes (though LibreGates is limited to 4 inputs). The OSU FreePDK defines only 33 gates. No need to modify any internal code or gate of the stock, full LibreGates gammut.
This is also a BIG friction-removing point because the industry could be tempted to "standardise" a given set of logic gates/functions, and everybody aligns to an artificially restricted definition... I see this already happening with the OSU FreePDK that provides only minimalist functions. The concept of ALI removes this sort of constraints and helps designers get the most out of any technology.
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