
Firefighter Robot - Design

The project was created as a part of the Basics of Mechatronics course at AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków.

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Here are the photos of the finished design without any cover. Our robot contains a water tower, Arduino holders, tracks, touch sensors, and its whole frame is enforced as much as possible. The robot is built only using lego technic pieces. The frame was designed to withstand forces generated by the water flow. The center of the mass is as low as possible in order to achieve the best stability. Our team decided to equip the robot with tracks in order to ensure the best mobility of the robot. Thanks to this system, the robot can perform U-turn almost in one place. Moreover, the system also allows the robot to easily climb up the stairs.

The project was created as a part of the Basics of Mechatronics course at AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków. Authors: Aleksander S.; Rafał W.; Jakub.Z.; Marcin S.; Maciej S.; Maciej.S; Piotr W.; Ibrahim I.; Jakub W.; Borys D.; Jakub.S.; Katarzyna H.; Piotr B.; Tomasz S.


step - 26.47 MB - 09/11/2020 at 19:55



f3z - 23.06 MB - 09/11/2020 at 19:54


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niuyingxian wrote 09/11/2020 at 22:34 point

Want to watch the video of the physical operation? What is the weight? Is there battery life?

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