The Quad Multiplexer Integrated Circuit MC14066BCP consists of four independent capable operating switches to control either digital or analog power switching characteristics. The IC MC14066BCP is used for the signal chopping, gating, demodulator, and CMOS logic implementation. Highly compatible with the PCB board and compact size makes it perfect for the simulation technique and power regulation with minimum loss and dissipation.
utsource Integrated Circuit MC14066BCP price
The pin-to-pin compatible design and easy to use fabrication technique of the IC is used for the lower resistance and swings the input voltage with load source power simulation techniques. The voltage of the device can be independently controlled with the help of controlled input signals.
Key Features of MC14066BCP:
- The chip comes with a full diode protection with all control inputs compatibility
- The supply range of DC voltage is high and optimum
- The transferred liner characteristics
- Low noise input circuit and compatible frequency response of the circuit
- The devices are compatible and design with compact size with this integrated circuit chip
- It is Pb free and RoHS Compliant
- Unique site and control source regulation
- High speed CMOS configuration technology
Pinout Configuration of MC14066BCP:
The pinout configuration of MC14066BCP is shown in the figure below with respective terminal specification and layout functional working, please have a look…
MC14066BCP Pinout Configuration
As you can see the Integrated Circuit MC14066BCP comes with a 14 pin layout design and smooth excellent finish fabrication. The control pins are used for the triggering output signals for the good and compatible low load power dissipation source.
Applications of MC14066BCP:
As shown in the figure MC14066BCP Integrated Circuit is used in multiplexer electronic circuits for the large data transmission with high-speed and minimum power losses switching capability.
MC14066BCP Multiplexer Electronic Device
- MC14066BCP is also used in wide range of electronic devices
- Linearize low noise ability devices
- Also used in power amplifier electronic circuits
- High-speed CMOS power transmission circuits etc.
MC14066BCP Alternatives/Replacement/Substitute/Complementary:
If you are unable to get the Integrated Circuit MC14066BCP then you can also use the replacement substitute or an alternative of MC14066BCP which shows similar functional, thermal and electrical properties of the IC.
The substitute or an alternative of the IC is MC14066
Equivalent Part Number of MC14066BCP:
The equivalent part number of the IC MC14066BCP is HEF4066
Data sheet of MC14066BCP
The Integrated Electronic Circuit MC14066BCP is used in the wide range of power switching electronic circuits for quad multiplexer electronic modules.