The program allows the water hose to move in the interval (20 degrees; 160 degrees). Initially the servo is at 90degrees, so it can move 70 degrees either clockwise or counter-clockwise.
It reads the position of the joystick. If the joystick is moved, the servo rotates- the further one push the joystick, the faster the servo rotates. If the joystick stays in a neutral position the servo stays in previously given position.
The project was created as a part of the Basics of Mechatronics course at AGH University of Science and Technology in Kraków. Authors: Aleksander S.; Rafał W.; Jakub.Z.; Marcin S.; Maciej S.; Maciej.S; Piotr W.; Ibrahim I.; Jakub W.; Borys D.; Jakub.S.; Katarzyna H.; Piotr B.; Tomasz S.