The Integrated Circuit MC6802P is a compatible and monolithic 8-bit microprocessor electronic circuit. MC6802P IC chip contains all the addressing registers with memory allocation accumulators of MC6802P with the clock oscillator signal given to the system and driver chip with the systematic voltage flow regulation. Along with compactness and compatibility with the specifications MC6802P is also on-board RAM integrated with hex inverter address memory allocation. 

utsource MC6802P price Integrated Circuit 

The first 32 bytes of the Integrated Circuit MC6802P is retained with the low power consumption which saves lots of energy for the voltage regulation and further power transmission inside the electronic circuit device. The complete software is highly compatible and expandable with fast switching characteristics. 

Key Features of MC6802P: 

  1. MC6802P consists of an on-chip clock circuit 
  2. Power voltage regulation 
  3. 32 Bytes of the memory MC6802P is retainable 
  4. the software of MC6802P is compatible 
  5. the compatible TTL input and output system 
  6. the 18-bit is used for the addressing mode operation 
  7. Interrupt capability and power regulation 

Pinout Configuration and overview of MC6802P: 

The basic layout and pinout configuration of the IC MC6802P is shown in the figure below with respective layout and terminal specification bout the various command able program and output results from the circuit with fast switching applications. 

MC6802P Pinout Configuration 

This is the basic layout and pinout configuration of Integrated Circuit MC6802P with 40 pins all executing different processes with specified command and addressing register process application. 

Applications of MC6802P: 

As shown in the figure below MC6802P is used for the clock circuit PCB applications for the fast switching and minimum power utilisation techniques 

MC6802P Clock Application

  1. MC6802P is also used in Timer circuits 
  2. The clock variation and power regulation 
  3. Switching electronic circuit 
  4. Variable data storage and voltage flow 

MC6802P Alternatives/Replacement/Substitute/Complementary

If you are unable to find the Integrated Circuit MC6802P then you can also use the replacement substitute or an alternative of the Integrated Circuit MC6802P which shows similar functional, thermal, electrical and voltage regulation characteristics. 

So the substitute or an alternative of MC6802P is MC6802

Equivalent Part Number of MC6802P: 

The equivalent part number of the IC MC6802P is MC6802

Data sheet of MC6802P


The Integrated Circuit MC6802P is used for the clock pulse digital signal processing power circuit elements for the wide range of industrial, commercial and domestic electronic appliances and voltage flow regulation.