
Remoticon: Prototyping to the Max

How to use a graphical programming environment to get your project off the ground.

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Eventbrite link: workshop requires the following software to be downloaded: Note that the period for Max is only 30 days, so you may not want to initiate that before the workshop. You can still play around with Max outside of the trial period, but you cannot save your work. Linux users can install Puredata, but the workshop will not be 1:1

Note: Please see project logs below for most up-to-date info!

Workshop Details:

Prototyping to the Max: how to use a graphical programming environment to get your project off the ground. Visual programming environments like Max and PureData were originally designed with audio-visual projects in mind, but they can provide tremendous value to makers of all sorts. These tools are highly modular and intuitive, even (maybe especially) if you're not comfortable writing code. With these tools, it becomes trivial to connect anything to just about anything else:
Want to leverage MIDI or HID control to some software you wrote?
Want to drag and drop UI elements to control an Arduino without extra hardware?
Want to drive a chain of RGB LEDs using gifs or videos?
Want to spin up a simple web server without writing a line of code?
All of this is possible (quick, even) using Max. On top of all that, it is a great way of learning the fundamentals of DSP, video processing, and functional programming.
In this workshop, attendees will learn the fundamentals of Max and useful specific modules, with an emphasis on those involving connectivity and networking.

Instructor: Guy Dupont

Guy is a software-oriented creative technologist from Cambridge, MA. He spent six years as a consultant writing native Android applications for startups, fortune 500 companies, and everyone in between. Currently, he leads the software team at Pison Technology, where they use nerve sensing technology to let users interact with their world in new ways. Guy also moonlights as an audio engineer, recording and mixing out of his small home studio.

Max Project to be demo'ed / hacked on during workshop.

Zip Archive - 3.41 MB - 11/07/2020 at 20:57


  • Workshop project ready for download

    Guy Dupont11/07/2020 at 20:57 0 comments

    I have added the Max project that I'll be walking through in the workshop to the 'files' section of this page. Please download and unzip it if/when you see this!

    If you're comfortable with git, you can pull the source directly! Pull it down whenever, though I may make last minute changes.

  • Prepping for tomorrow!

    Guy Dupont11/06/2020 at 23:50 0 comments

    Super excited to get this thing goin' tomorrow. I wanted to quickly say hi and expand on the instructions above.

    1. Now's a great time to install Max if you're on Mac/PC:
      It has a free trial period of 30 days.
    2. If you're on Linux, you might want to download Pure Data, but please know that not everything I'll be going over will translate. You'll have to get your hands a little dirtier after the workshop. As a Linux user, I hope you can appreciate that : ).
    3. Tomorrow, I will be sharing all of the source materials for the workshop as both a downloadable .zip and a git repository. I will post them here as soon as they're ready, but I'll also share via Zoom at the start of the workshop. Would be helpful if you got a hard start and download everything in advance, if you happen to catch this update.
    4. Everything I share will be interactive and hackable. No slide deck for me, just a big Max project that we'll walk through together. If you happen to have a second monitor or computer, it might be helpful to fire it up. One for watchin', one for clickin'. I'll do my best to give folks time to play around in between sections so no worries if this isn't an option for you.
    5. One or two of my demos will require you to have Java installed to run on your machine. Max seems to only like Java 8. You can download and install here:
      AdoptOpenJDK works as well:
    6. If you're not comfortable with this, you won't be missing out on much. 

      Can't wait!

View all 2 project logs

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Matt Starfield wrote 11/09/2020 at 00:20 point

@Dusan Petrovic I attended. I posted that note prior to the session :)

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Dusan Petrovic wrote 11/08/2020 at 22:36 point

Hi @Matt Starfield - Remoticon Workshop: Prototyping to the Max was on Saturday, November 7th.

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Matt Starfield wrote 11/06/2020 at 21:12 point

FYI "software to download" link needs some fixin' to separate the 2 links 

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