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A project log for StickHub - The Space Friendly 7-Port USB 2 Hub

Shaped like a USB stick, ideal for a Raspberry Pi or Jetson. Connect up to 28 devices to a Pi.

rbtscorbtsco 10/21/2020 at 14:070 Comments

A lot of small tweaks based on this Reddit PCB review request. One fairly visible tweak is to add an optional 6.3mm 'ESC style' mounted capacitor to more than double the downstream port capacitance:

There was also a bug in the schematic where the power switch wouldn't turn on. Option 1 was to keep the power sequencing and feed the hub IC directly from the USB plug to have the 1.8V to turn on the Dialog switch, or (option 2) tie the 'ON' pin of the Dialog switch to 'Vin' and let it protect all of the device, dropping any power sequencing. Since it's a bare PCB and the solution would be simpler I went with no. 2.
