I want to R&D hydro gel and make polarized contact lenses for AR. I want people to be able to see through contact lenses with the AR to help them become a mechanic or a designer even a doctor. Once I am able to make polarized contact lenses all I have to do is make a projector that can beam images on the contact lens without hurting your eyes. Then make a augmented reality program that can show people how to move their hands specifically to do complicated tasks like repairing a car or making them more productive at work without the help of teachers or with the help of teachers in a far away area. I believe anyone can do anything if they are taught right their and then. We need 3d contact lenses for everything, and the military shouldn't be the first people to have this technology it belongs with the engineers, the video gamers the basic civilian. It is one of the most common sense projects that is truly not talked about and under rated.
Augmented reality is one of the most endless in possibilities for the human civilization point blank and .
Get hydro gel, get the gel to polarize and the very minimum of 240 hertz non of the 60 hertz bs, and the stupid rumor of humans cant see past 60 fps this is all shenanigans and f1 racers, the fighter jets pilots prove it. Find a projector or build an contact lens projector able to project images on the contact lens itself. Make an simple to use AR program that is a freeware, down to the drivers even the schematics.
Step 2
Just laugh and play outside, with your augmented reality. Play virtual games outside instead of inside. Design toys or cars, fix real cars and never be afraid. Look at the sky and be able to see the real stars with a name beside it. Laugh and cry when someone calls you to virtually pop up next to you as if they are their in reality. Just laugh and have fun.
Yeah yeah this has been an idea forever, yet I have seen zero completion in this project except for maybe google glasses which is a complete utter failure in my personal opinion due to the sheer cost of the device.