
Romoticon rover drivers will get a postcard from RoboSpatium!

A project log for Remoticon: World Tour Robot

Explore a backyard in Germany with the prototype of my World Tour Robot during Remoticon 2020

norbert-heinzNorbert Heinz 10/10/2020 at 07:020 Comments

Those of you that take the chance to drive the live view camera robot during my presentation at the live stream of Remoticon (5:30 to 6:30pm PST on Saturday 7) will get a postcard as a reward. I have done that for those spotting an Easter egg during this year's Easter holidays and it was great fun to get in contact with my audience that old fashioned way:

And if you send me a postcard showing your project or the area you live in, it will be displayed in the arena that I am preparing for the show:

Would be great to get your feedback the old fashioned way!

If you think you are a bit late or want to save the money for the stamp, you can also send a virtual postcard to:

What should your virtual postcard look like? Well it should be on picture (front side) and one hand written message (make a photo or scan of it), which is the back side of a normal postcard (use the template above).

Thanks for participating!
