
Partially working, needs more improvements!

A project log for Dissecting a hand-held NOAC console (Sup 400-in-1)

This is an attempt to understand how these little things work, and what we can do on it.

yh-workshopYH-workshop 03/23/2024 at 15:420 Comments

From the previous log... what would happen when a short piece of code is being loaded and run after applying the reset?

And for a short description on how this is done:

  1. Dump the ROM according to this log - make sure it can run in the emulator!
  2. On the ROM, using the hex editor such as HxD, cut out the range of address 0x60000-0x80000.
  3. Still in the hex editor, create an empty new binary file and paste it in. Save it separately!
  4.  In the Teensy's application, the binary file is being received through Ymodem (using this method) from the PC. 
  5. After receiving the file, the app resets the NOAC on the PCB. 
  6. The app rapidly polls for the address changes (A0-A17) and pushes the data (D0-D15) with the responses from the /OE and the /CE pins too. (Or in other words it's called an EEPROM emulator!)

Well, it kinda works... but it's a whole lot of mess out there:

 The code was running but the screen was garbled with full of noises and artifacts running around. You can see bits of the menu and the Aaronix test screen and that's much about it.

Was the Teensy not working fast enough? Or there are wiring mistakes? Hmm... Figuring this out....
