
Dump dissected - and new issues with the Teensy 4.1!

A project log for Dissecting a hand-held NOAC console (Sup 400-in-1)

This is an attempt to understand how these little things work, and what we can do on it.

yh-workshopYH-workshop 06/23/2024 at 02:200 Comments

Whew! I have a bit of breathing space this weekend so I went to look into the new dump from the earlier logs.

The strange part is, this particular dump from the later Sup 400-in-1 models are always different than the year before. This model "CFJSUP Ver 2.0 2023.5.18" still have the same old menu from the previous ones, but the startup codes are different.

To summarize it, this one does:

1. Jumps to addresses next to each other for a few times.

2. Then branches into an area where the opcodes have swapped bits 4-5.

3. It goes into a startup - and the TFT init routines are more complex this time: it actually includes many other models inside for convenience. There are a list of the TFT models in the area around 0x2B000:

Highlighted one is a GC9306, which the handheld is having right now, and being selected too.

4. After all is done, it goes into address 0x6E000, where the game menu is in. Else, it goes to 0x6A000 where the "Aaronix" test app is there if you hold B and Y during reset.

On other story, my Teensy 4.1 flash emulator doesn't work all the time! When this is connected to the mentioned console, it does not work anymore. Even with the new PCB design I made too. It kept disconnecting and it becomes unresponsive. I guessed overclocking the Teensy 4.1 has its limits, even with the heatsink and the fan blowing on top of it! Guess that I need to use an actual NOR flash for this one! (Note: Use a 2.54 female header on the Teensy 4.1 slot! Do not solder this Teensy 4.1 directly onto it!)

(This PCB does the same thing from this log, but more neat and I can use the headers. These headers are connected to the nor flash breakout board on the handheld console)

But luckily, I also designed the NOR flash adapter in case things doesn't go right with the Teensy 4.1 solution, or I needed to test if a TSOP-48/56 NOR flash (with the RT-TSOP48 adapter) works on this console (same thing here - make sure you use 2.54 female header on that RT-TSOP48 slot!):

Plugging it in and cannibalizing the flash (S29GL064) from another one of the cheap consoles, load it up with the same dump through the T56 programmer, I managed to get the dump to run on the flash (but with only 8 megabytes!)

Is there any chance for it to load a custom app even without using the Teensy 4.1 NOR flash emulator??
