
Balanced Home Ventilation ERV System

Low cost quiet economical energy recovery ventilation system Arduino Hubitat Elevation based

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The project is to create a cheap low voltage ERV system for a home with a total internal volume of 165 Meters Cubed. In order to change the air in entirely in 30 minutes, we would need to move 6 Cubic Meters a minute or 280 CFM approximately. The design should easily make this possible based on my experiments give the fan capacity and the duct length.


Interesting ERV project This is my own record of my ERV home ventilation project. By way of this blog I hope to share my wee project with people who are interested and keep a record for myself as well. The cost is considerably less then HRV's and ERV's on sale in New Zealand and it's been a really interesting project the study up on.


This is a blog about my ERV project. My background is in industrial automation and control systems and I have recently got interested in home automation. Our system is based on Arduino, Hubitat Elevation and  MQTT. I have a gaggle of devices like Sonoff's and Arduino using MQTT, Thinger and occasionally Node-Red for experiments mostly. We wanted a low cost 150 mm system for our home using the most cost-effective parts we could find. I know its made of Coroplast and tape but if it works as I hope it will I will re-engineer some of the components in more durable materials.


There are 2 position-controlled valves 3 main fans, and 4 boost fans. Experiments show with a 6 Meter 150 mm duct and the main fan and boost fan at maximum we can get a flow in excess of 8 Cubic Metres per Minute.


ERV Control System Wemos D1 R2 Arduino Sketch

ino - 5.81 kB - 10/18/2020 at 21:38



ERV remote IO Arduino Sketch

ino - 4.58 kB - 10/18/2020 at 21:37



Heat Exchanger DAS Arduino Sketch

ino - 5.37 kB - 10/18/2020 at 21:36


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James Finch wrote 03/27/2021 at 02:14 point

Wondering, which uses the cloroplast channel or the spaced ducts?   

I just scored 75ft of aluminum screen and already invested in just enough to iron into both sides of each cloroplast sheet I cut, albeit cut to rough shape rather embarrassingly crude looking since was outdoors in the cold winter a few months back.  Thinking I might iron around the perimeter also, though obviously not the top or bottom. 

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nickatredbox wrote 10/23/2020 at 09:45 point

moved the blog to blogger

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nickatredbox wrote 10/23/2020 at 09:44 point

Greenway ERV

 Project blog for our homemade energy recovery ventilation ERV system. Based on Arduino and Hubitat Elevation home automation hub.

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paleengeneer wrote 10/22/2020 at 15:01 point

An interesting project but I find it useful only for the old homes. As far as I know, modern homes (even cheap like don't have any issues with the ventilation system at all. They use low-voltage in the new houses and the design is pretty robust.

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nickatredbox wrote 10/28/2020 at 06:13 point

Out place is 6 years old the ERV eliminates condensation on the window frames completely and the air is noticeably fresher. Modern homes are vey airtight so this give us fresh filtered air 24/7 

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William wrote 10/21/2020 at 20:34 point

Unfortunately, the wix site is down. :(

I was hoping to see how you built the coroplast exchanger. Good idea! :D

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nickatredbox wrote 10/28/2020 at 06:10 point

Sorry I moved the site to blogger as Wix won't let anyone find the site without paying.

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