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Blog entry - more details and photos
I needed a bedside lamp, the circuit sculpture contest seemed like good motivation.
PCBs seemed the most 'electronic' way I could make a lampshade, so I went with that. I used SolidWorks to iterate on different sizes, and figure out the optimal way to panelize them for manufacture. I was aiming to get this into one of the $5 specials that several Chinese PCB manufacturers have. My wife designed the pattern. It uses a combination of silver 'copper', white soldermask and blank areas to get interesting patterns. I use two similar parts in the lamp shade. One with a completely white inner soldermask to reflect light, and one without an inner soldermask.
The 'lightbulb' part of the project was the most finicky. I'm using 4 identical circuits in parallel to get sufficient illumination. Each circuit consists of 6 LEDs in series, driven by a TI LED driver. The driver allows you to set a fixed max current, and then also provide a PWM signal to adjust brightness.
Because it's hard to do circuit sculpture and heat sinks, I overspecc'ed the LEDs and drivers, so at max brightness, I'm only driving them at 30% of nominal.
For control I chose an Adafruit Metro Mini. It's Arduino compatible so I knew I could get it running quickly. I'm using one of the 'analogue' out pins to drive the PWM for LEDs.
To turn the lights on and off, I'm using a 'touch' sensor. The sensor is nothing but an effective RC circuit. I use one of the digital outputs to 'charge' the lamp stand, and then discharge it. When someone touches the stand, the circuit takes longer to charge up, and I can detect a touch.
Touches with more than 3s gap between them will turn the lights on and off. Taps faster than that allow you to dim and brighten the lights.
To power everything I have a 19V laptop charger. It feeds power directly to the LED drivers, and also supplies power to the Metro Mini through a DC/DC converter.
Assembly was quite a thing. I went fast on the initial design, and didn't think too much about the build. The lamp shade was fairly straightforward. I 3D printed a holder that allowed me to solder two panels together fairly easily. The shade is made up of 8 rings of 12 panels each. Connecting each ring was a bit more difficult. I was using 3mm brass rods for rigidity, but it takes a lot to heat them up enough for the solder to bond. I also didn't have anything to help me align them, so my lamp shade is a bit skew :P

The LEDs are surface mount LEDs, so are a bit tricky to solder together. I shaped a 1mm brass rod into a hexagon, and then soldered this to the LEDs heatsink pad. I then used short 0.5mm brass rods to connect each LED to the next. I made many mistakes with sloppy soldering resulting in copious rework. I had 3D printed a jig to make this easier, but worked too fast, and the jig wasn't quite right, so it didn't work properly.

Once the rings were made I added the sense resistor and LED driver to each ring. With the 4 rings created, I then connected them with their shared Power and PWM signal lines. These descend all the way to the bottom of the lamp, along with a ground line, to provide a very shaky structure. Contrary to my schematic, I did not add bypass capacitors to the LED drivers, nor did I connect the status lines.
Barrel jack, DC/DC converter and caps are soldered directly to each other, as well as the 1M resistor that forms the R part of the RC circuit in the touch sensor. Very little planning was done, so it looks suitably untidy.
This whole structure was very unstable. To center the lightbulb, I needed some way to locate the support structure within the lamp. I decided to use blown fuses. For some reason I ordered 10A fuses. My bench power supply only goes to 5A and I didn't want to trip my apartments power, so I instead made use of my car's battery to blow the fuses. Which then allowed me to safely solder them to various...
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Great use of fixturing!
I immediately assumed the lamp shade must not be PCB when I saw it, what a pleasant surprise! The way the different panels are angled so that some of the light reflects off the back, onto the face of the one below is it gives this so much depth. I'm sure you went batty sanding rat bites off of those PCBs, but make a few more, I could see these being very popular at an art faire :-D