
Sebastian Rocket

A level one certification rocket utilizing 3D printed components

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A Tripoli level one certification rocket utilizing 3D printed components, such as:

Motor Mount
Fin Mount
Ballast Chambers
Nose Cone*
Parachute attachment

Body tubes used are non-3D printed, made of LOC thick cardboard

With the extra weight added by 3D printing the tubes, along with the layer de-lamination likelihood, it simply does not make sense to print the tubes.

*I ended up not printing the nose cone because I had a commercially-made nosecone laying around and it was a lot easier to not have to design and print one, so boom, nosecone.

Sebastian could potentially carry the first test of the Ariel Flight Control System, a system that can actively control the apogee altitude of a rocket.

This is a rough, low-opacity overview of of the motor mount design:

Not-so-obvious parts are labeled, the rest are easy enough to work out.

  • 1 × Motor Mount 3D Printed
  • 1 × Motor Mount Cap 3D Printed (Holds in the motor, fins, and ballast)
  • 1 × Nosecone 3D Printed
  • 2 × Threaded Coupler 3D Printed (One for nosecone and one for motor mount)
  • 1 × Non-Threaded Coupler 3D Printed

View all 9 components

  • Launch Stuff

    Sir Michael II11/09/2020 at 20:18 0 comments

    So it launched. It wasn't very fun. Or at least recovery wasn't. The wind was about 20-25mph. Sebastian had a 36 inch parachute. About 850 g. After measuring on google earth the drift was around 2.55 miles. After retrieving another person's Level 3 nosecone along the way, the total HIKE was just under four and a half miles. Launched Saturday, late Monday and my feet still hurt. Launch was good, got my Level one certification. 198.5m/s (444 mph), 805.8m (2643 ft). H242-10 motor. Eight foot long 1 inch rail. Honeywell Commercial Launch setup in the background.

  • Launch Tomorrow Morning!

    Sir Michael II11/07/2020 at 02:38 0 comments

    Sebastian will have his maiden flight tomorrow morning in Argonia, Kansas. Pictures and video to follow afterwards. Painted and glued everything today.

  • Rough Fins Mounted

    Sir Michael II10/29/2020 at 18:12 0 comments

    Even though two of the fin prints failed at some level (these two just aren't good enough for 500-600 mph flight), they still serve a purpose as fit tests and looking cool until I get them re-printed. Luckily the process of replacing a fin takes about 11 seconds. Unscrew the cap, slide the fin out, slide the new one in, screw the cap back on.

    Image won't work, maybe later.

  • Parachute Attachment Cross Printed

    Sir Michael II10/29/2020 at 01:32 0 comments

    Printed, ready to glue in. Kevlar string runs through both holes and ties to a carabiner, which the parachute ties to as well. 

  • First Fin Printed

    Sir Michael II10/27/2020 at 22:12 0 comments

    Warped just a little, fin tab bent a little, caused some fit issues, fixed.

  • Motor Mount Cap Finished Printing

    Sir Michael II10/27/2020 at 20:23 0 comments

    Fits like a glove. PLA instead of ABS.

  • Sebastian Virtual Mockup Finished

    Sir Michael II10/27/2020 at 06:51 0 comments

    I think it looks pretty slick.

  • Cap Design Done

    Sir Michael II10/27/2020 at 06:50 0 comments

    Finished designing motor mount cap, will print tomorrow.

  • Fin Mockups and OpenRocket Design Finished (ish)

    Sir Michael II10/27/2020 at 05:56 0 comments

    Reasonable stability margin and a good look, Sebastian has only a few more parts before final assembly starts. Looking around Mach 0.8 on maximum velocity and around 1,000m apogee.

  • Threaded Coupler Printed

    Sir Michael II10/21/2020 at 01:36 0 comments

    The original 35mm threaded coupler was extended to 37.5mm to work with threads leaving a 2.5mm gap between the coupler and the motor mount. Tolerance was adjusted after the first print for a tighter fit. *Quietly Laughs*

View all 11 project logs

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