Allows You too Run Pedals or Circuit bent toys off your main 12v power supply in a euro rack setup. Saves 9 Volt batteries and No more hassle of unplugging batteries every time you shutdown the system.
12V Eurorack Rail too a usable 9V Rail is made with 7809 Voltage regulator.
MAX Current is 1.5 Amps
I Suggest Adding heat sink if you are really driving the Regulator hard. If you get resets on the 9V Rail you might be running a little too much for the Regulator.
•+Positive Center 12V Breakout jacks (Circuit bent toys)
•+Positive Center Breakout Jacks(Circuit bent toys)
•-Negative Center 9V Breakout Jacks (Guitar Pedals)
Keep in mind plugging pedals in reverse polarity can damage pedals unless protected. This could be solved with adding some protection diodes on the jacks.
I am planning on redoing this and adding reverse polarity protection with diodes too protect pedals that get plugged into the wrong polarity and maybe adding more current capability.