Last couple of weeks, I have revisited the video board.
Version 1.4 of the video board arrived a couple of weeks ago - this board has a minor change in layout and silkscreen.
The main change was to add a mounting point at the back of the board for a spacer to help prevent flexing and making physical contact with any adjacent boards.
All the boards I am designing for this project have this same rear mounting hole.
I have refocused on making sure this board works in a standard RC2014 configuration with RomWBW - and have been hacking some software - learning how to fully utilise the hardware acceleration features of the V9958.
I have decided that I would offer this board as a full kit on Tindie. I have 4 kits built up and online at Tindie. If there is demand - more will be made available - I seem to have collected quite a few spares! The kits include everything needed (PCB, V9958, RAM, etc).
Tindie Store Listing
The latest version of the schematic and software can be found on the github project:
The glorious PCB:
Fully Assembled for PAL output
Proudly installed in its RC2014 home
What 8 bit graphic system is truly finished, without showing the ubiquitous mandelbrot set? (takes a while to produced - not timed it yet!)
Video Showing running through its paces
Video showing a chip8/octo game running.
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