Here is the code for the ATMEGA328PB
Here is the code for the ATMEGA328PB
#include <avr/io.h>
#define F_CPU 20000000UL // Use external 20 MHz clock, set to external oscillator in the fuses
#include <util/delay.h>
const uint8_t MAX_CAP_VOLTAGE = 145; // Assume output of cap is more or less at ADC
const uint8_t START_CAP_VOLTAGE = 130; // When to start charging - hysteresis
const uint8_t COUNT_FET_DEFAULT = 0; // When starting to charge, the lower FET on time
const uint8_t COUNT_LOW_DEFAULT = 200; // The starting count for all switches off
// Enumerated type for the state machine
typedef enum {IDLE, CHARGING, STOP} state_var;
int main(void)
// Variable to hold the state
volatile state_var the_state = IDLE;
// The low side on time
uint8_t count_fet = COUNT_FET_DEFAULT;
// The idle time when everything is low
uint8_t count_low = COUNT_LOW_DEFAULT;
// PB0 for V high (high side)
// PB1 for V low (low side)
// PB2 for trigger
DDRB = 7;
PORTB = 0;
//DDRD = 255 - (1 << 5);
// Setup the analog comparator, set bandgap reference (instead of AIN0)
ACSR = (1 << 6);
// Setup the ADC (use AVCC, left adjust, and ADC0 as the input)
ADMUX = (1 << 6) + (1 << 5) + 0;
// Enable ADC, start it up, auto trigger, divide by 128 for prescalar
ADCSRA = (1 << 7) + (1 << 6) + (1 << 5) + 7;
// Free running mode
// At start, just wait in case of issues with programming
while (1) {
if ((PIND & (1 << 5)) == 0) {
the_state = STOP;
if (the_state == IDLE) { // Idle state
// Wait to let the ADC readings settle
if (ADCH < START_CAP_VOLTAGE) { // Begin charging
// Initialize lower FET on time
count_fet = COUNT_FET_DEFAULT;
count_low = COUNT_LOW_DEFAULT;
// Update state variable
the_state = CHARGING;
else if (the_state == CHARGING) { // Charging state
for (uint8_t qq = 0; qq < 128; qq++) { // Cycles of current control
// Charging loop
// Turn on the high side FET
PORTB = 1 + 4;
PORTB = 1;
PORTB = 1;
PORTB = 1;
PORTB = 1;
PORTB = 1;
PORTB = 1;
PORTB = 1;
PORTB = 1;
PORTB = 1;
PORTB = 1;
PORTB = 1;
// Turn off the high side FET, prevent shoot-through
PORTB = 0;
PORTB = 0;
PORTB = 0;
// Turn on the low side FET
for (uint8_t jj = 0; jj < count_fet; jj++) {
PORTB = 2;
// Turn off the low side FET, all low
PORTB = 0;
for (uint8_t jj = 0; jj < count_low; jj++) {
PORTB = 0;
if ((ACSR & (1 << 5)) == 0) { // Current too high
if (count_fet < 255) {
count_fet = count_fet + 1;
else { // Current too low
if (count_fet > 0) {
count_fet = count_fet - 1;
if (count_low > 0) {
count_low = count_low - 1;
// Done charging, set to IDLE
the_state = IDLE;
else if (the_state == STOP) {
PORTB = 0;
if ((PIND & (1 << 5)) == (1 << 5)) {
the_state = IDLE;
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