Here is the code for the FPGA. I noted the pin numbers in at the top...
// Main module - monitor the ports from the microcontroller
module spi_micro_test(
input wire clk, // 50 MHz clock, pin 27
input wire bar_ss, // SPI chip select, pin 93
input wire mosi, // SPI master output, pin 92
input wire sck, // SPI clock, pin 99
output wire miso, // SPI sidekick output, pin 101
output wire led1, // LED1 pin 132
output wire led2, // LED2 pin 134
output wire led3, // LED3 pin 135
output wire led4, // LED4 pin 140
output wire led5); // LED5 pin 141
// Observe the serial clock
reg [2:0] sck_r;
initial begin
sck_r <= 3'b000;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
sck_r <= {sck_r[1:0], sck};
// Detect the rising edge
wire sck_risingedge = (sck_r[2:1]==2'b01);
// Detect the falling edge
wire sck_fallingedge = (sck_r[2:1]==2'b10);
// Observe the mosi wire
reg [1:0] mosi_r;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
mosi_r <= {mosi_r[0], mosi};
// The mosi data
wire mosi_data = mosi_r[1];
// Observe bar_ss
reg[2:0] bar_ss_r;
initial begin
bar_ss_r <= 3'b111;
always @ (posedge clk) begin
bar_ss_r <= {bar_ss_r[1:0], bar_ss};
// Detect the rising edge
// wire bar_ss_risingedge = (bar_ss_r[2:1]==2'b01);
// Detect the falling edge
wire bar_ss_fallingedge = (bar_ss_r[2:1]==2'b10);
// Observation of bar_ss
wire bar_ss_observe = bar_ss_r[1];
// Place to store input data
// reg data_ready;
reg [2:0] bit_count;
reg [7:0] data_rx;
// Place to store the output data
reg [7:0] data_tx;
initial begin
data_tx <= 8'b01100101;
// Output is tristate, until bar_ss_observe becomes 0
assign miso = (!bar_ss_observe) ? data_tx[7] : 1'bz;
// Capture the value of the bar_ss input from the microcontroller
always @(posedge clk) begin
if (bar_ss_fallingedge == 1'b1) begin
// On the falling edge of bar_ss, clear data ready
// data_ready <= 1'b0;
bit_count <= 3'b000;
end else if ((bar_ss_observe == 1'b0) && (sck_risingedge == 1'b1)) begin
// If bar_ss is low and on the rising edge, bring in a bit
bit_count <= bit_count + 3'b001;
data_rx <= {data_rx[6:0], mosi_data};
end else if ((bar_ss_observe == 1'b0) && (sck_fallingedge == 1'b1)) begin
data_tx <= {data_tx[6:0], data_tx[7]};
// Set the LED outputs
assign led1 = data_rx[0];
assign led2 = data_rx[1];
assign led3 = data_rx[2];
assign led4 = data_rx[3];
assign led5 = bar_ss_observe;
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