The instructions are:
mvi a,n - move n to the Accumulator
sta addr - store Acc. to the given 12-bit address
lda addr - load Acc. from the given address
ad0 addr - A <- A + [addr]
ad1 addr - A <- A + [addr] + 1
adc addr - A <- A + [addr] + cy
nand addr - A <- ~(A & [addr])
nor addr - A <- ~(A | [addr])
rrm addr - rotate right [addr] and store to A
jmp addr - jump immediately to addr
jc addr - jump if carry is 1
jnc addr - jump if carry is zero
jz addr - jump if A is zero
jnz addr - jump if A isn't zero
jm addr - jump if A is 2's complement negative
jp addr - jump if A is positive
There are some videos in external links about a small crt, the vga monitor and the first game.