
PART 3: Installing the Camera Leatherette

A project log for LOMOPI - Digital TLR Camera

The RPi-Powered Twin-Lens Reflex Street Photography Camera.

gradivisGradivis 11/12/2020 at 10:360 Comments

**NOTE** The first three project logs I made were for V1 of this project, inside a Lomo LC-A. I'm leaving them here for posterity (and for anyone interested in going that route) but V2 and the active project starts here:

I was really excited to see the camera leatherette had arrived from Germany today. I got twice as much as I would need for the project in case of messing up, and the order included the double sided tape I would need (in a sheet) so that glue isn't necessary. The first thing I did was give the body a good sanding at 400 grit so that the adhesive had a better surface to stick to.

It may because of my background in traditional print production and familiarity with cameras, but this was the quickest part of the project so far. I got the double-sided table installed with ease, wrapping it as a single sheet and then cutting with fine scissors so it matched the case. And extra from unprecise cuts I folded over the

I was more deliberate with the leatherette. I cut it to general size with the backer I had pulled off the double-sided tape, and then began by lining up the bottom so that it was parallel with the body's edge. After that I carefully pressed it down around the rest of the body, and made some small trims to clean it up. There are a couple of places that need some fine-tuning once I find my sharp sewing scissors, but not at all bad for ten euros and it's looking SO much more put together. As a bonus, the fit of the LOMO top plates and body is much more snug now, and should close up securely without the gap seen in the photos.

That's it for today I think! I'm waiting for push buttons to come in from Spain, and some wiring for power from eBay. I'm still thinking about whether to include a rotary dial or not, I also need to TEST the thing as well as figure out an enclosure for the back. The dual 18560 pack I bought - while providing plenty of power - is a bit wider that I want and so the Rpi sticks out of the back where there is a hole. I may have to head back in Fusion360 if I can't find something repurposeable.
