So, I've been using this keyboard quite a bit since my last project log. Unfortunately, we've also had to move out of our house, and in the move, the keyboard frame cracked in a few spots. Since I'm going to have to print a new one at some point anyway, I'm also taking the opportunity to clean some things up and add some new features...
Things I've already changed:
- Added a mount for the 4-pin mini DIN (AKA S-Video) connector I'm planning to use for connecting the two halves
- Cleaned up the model generation project to remove the old Clojure-based source from the original Dactyl, and updated documentation
- Switched to using pipenv for running the project and managing dependencies
- Made several tweaks to finger and thumb well angles and positions, board mount position, etc.
- Added a new key socket to spkb that supports my MX and Choc single-keyswitch hot-swap PCBs
- Fused the thumb and finger wells into a single piece for better stability (now that I figured out what angles work well for me)
- Added the TrackPoint mount I had implemented in the Clojure version; I haven't yet tested this out because I haven't been able to get my TrackPoint module working correctly, but I'm hoping to have one added relatively soon
Things I'll be changing soon:
- A bottom cover! My plan is for it to be held on with magnets, and to have different variants of the cover:
- One with the current carriage bolt feet
- One with some velcro to attach a beanbag for setting it on your leg (or even on a desk if you prefer to do it that way)
- One with some 1/4-20 mounting points for attachment to photo tripods (thanks Ben Vallack for this idea!)
- Probably experimenting with RMK or KMK instead of QMK, for ease of hacking
- Adding some mouse buttons to go with the TrackPoint
- Adding a thumbstick to the left side
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