
DIY Stream Deck With Raspberry Pi (PiDeck)

Stream Deck, but utilizing various Raspberry Pi's!

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Creating a full Stream Deck like system, but using raspberry pi's, touchscreens, and custom software!

Recently I have been wanting to have a stream deck like device, but as a college student (Now recently graduated), It just wasn't something I could really justify investing in. well now I could buy one, but I think it would be more fun (and possibly cheaper) to make my own! I am planning to develop all the software myself and try to make multiple size versions similar to the stream decks. I do however want these to be powered off the usb ports of the computer and not have to require any additional external power. Let the fun, and challenge begin!

  • 1 × Raspberry Pi Zero
  • 1 × HyperPixel 4.0 - Hi-Res Display for Raspberry Pi With Touch
  • 1 × Raspberry Pi 1 A+
  • 1 × 7" Raspberry Pi Touch Display

  • Current Roadblocks and Todo's

    TurkeyDev11/30/2020 at 15:05 0 comments

    Since I made my initial video on the project, I have hit a few road blocks and there are also some features I want to get done before my next update.

    Road Blocks:

    - Serial Connection: The Serial connection between the Pi's and the software application is a bit buggy. Mainly this seems to stem from an issue in the Raspberry Pi OS with a known bug in one of the core kernel modules that has been fixed, but seemingly has not been included in any updates. I don't know enough about this though to keep talking on it other than it's been determined to be a bug and causes the serial connection to lock and not send any data from the pi.

    - USB Cable for Pi 1 A+:  In order to keep my goal of having both of these pi decks be powered from 1 cable to the desktop I need to come up with a solution to have a USB cable split to 2 usb ports on the Pi 1 A+. This is due to the fact the A+ does not have a USB port the supports both power and data like the Pi Zero does. Thus a USB cable that goes from the computer then splits to send Data and Power to the USB hub and Power to the power port will be needed. I tried and failed to splice 2 cables together due to my lack of skills in this department.

    - Program Autorun on Startup: For this project to be reasonably useable, the application on the pi needs to auto run on start up. For the pi zero version, I started with the pi OS Lite version and added a Desktop to keep things as minimal as possible and lower the amount of unneeded "bloat". This paired with the Hyper pixel display seem to not like how my Systemd process launches using the after graphics trigger and simply refuses to launch on start up. currently I have to ssh into the pi zero to launch the application manually. For the Pi A+, the issue is very similar, but last I remember I was having issues getting the application to run period, but due to mainly the road block above, I haven't spent much time with this device.

    Needed Features:

    - Software Updater: In order to make this project usable by others, I need to away to update the software on the pi via the serial connection and desktop app. Currently I am using the Pi zero W so that i can ssh and ftp new versions onto the zero, but for the average person, they would want to just have a built in solution to the desktop app to update the pi's software automatically.

    - Custom OS Image: Just as an ease of use/ convince, I would like to make a custom OS image for the pi that includes the pi's software for this application, but also all of the improvements and changes made to get things as slim as possible. This just makes other lives easier to have a pre done solution, but also makes development life easier to have rollback points to working, pre setup OS ev

    - Pi Zero Case: Currently I have found a case for the larger version with the Pi A+, but the I have not found one for the Hyperpixel and pi zero. There are cases out there for the Hyperpixel screen, but none designed with the pi zero in mind.

    That's all I have for now. I'll update this if I think of more, but I'll also update this with progress as it get's made.

  • Initial development

    TurkeyDev11/28/2020 at 06:07 0 comments

    My initial development of this project is currently logged here on my YouTube video

    I will post a follow up soon of the progress I've made since this video as well as my current issues and points of interest that I need to solve before the next prototype and video

View all 2 project logs

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Craig Hissett wrote 07/28/2021 at 19:33 point

Hey buddy, any updates on this?

Im looking for something like this to improve my working from home experience.

I'm also looking at using a 7" Touchscreen and Pi for Miracast to use it as a small second monitor with my laptop, so a little rig with two Pi's and two screens for streamdeck and secondary monitor use would be awesome!

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TurkeyDev wrote 07/29/2021 at 16:35 point

Not really any updates. Beyond the proof of concept, I've had lots of little finicky issues and now more recently there have been many, much more well put together solutions than mine, including one that uses the pi pico, that I've just not really had any desire to continue on with this project

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Craig Hissett wrote 07/30/2021 at 09:48 point

Ah that's a shame! Speaking of the Pico I'm currently using one with the 4x4 button matrix as a macro keyboard. They're great ha ha. I might do a search for options using the Pico with a touchscreen.

I'm also going to keep playing with a Pi 3. I have an idea to establish serial communication between the device and the laptop using one of those USB>TTL serial cables, so will not require gadget mode in theory. 

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TurkeyDev wrote 07/30/2021 at 12:56 point

Here's the pi pr2040 touch deck I saw if you are curious

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Frank Dana wrote 02/25/2021 at 00:13 point

OOC, is this related to / using the PiDeck system for laptopless turntable control vinyl interfacing? ( — If not, calling it a "PiDeck" might be a bit confusing.

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hamix1 wrote 02/10/2021 at 11:52 point

What about using a pi 4 and connecting with usb-c? You'll lose gadget mode but that seems to have depreciated anyway in newer pi models. 

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TurkeyDev wrote 02/12/2021 at 15:31 point

My issue/concern with the Pi 4 becomes power draw, but you also don't gain anything by using a pi4 over the 1 a+

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hamix1 wrote 02/10/2021 at 11:48 point

Great idea. Can't wait for the next project update! 

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