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A project log for MultiBot CNC v2

A low cost 3D printed CNC that can be built with minimal tools yet is capable of great things.

david-tuckerDavid Tucker 10/07/2021 at 03:260 Comments

I'm still working on the final details for my rotary axis.  

I have two new controllers on order.  A Makerbase MKS Gen L 2.1 board that is basically a cleaned up 8 bit RAMPS board.  And a Makerbase MKS Robin Nano V2 32 bit board.  The Gen L should be able to run Grbl-MEGA while the robin nano can run any of the more modern 32 bit firmware.  Both will give me 5 axis and should allow for the rotary axis to run without needing to disable the X axis.

I'm also working on a base to hold everything in alignment and to allow the tailstock to quickly be slid into position.  Right now this is based around a 1/2" thick piece of MDF that is 24" long (and maybe 6" wide).  It is shown here up side down for machining.  When flipped over the groove in the slot will allow the foot of the tailstock enough clearance to slide freely when this is secured to the base of our machine.

Finally I'm experimenting with new tips for the quill.  This one is an inverted point that should allow you to hold the round end of an object (like an egg).  I have these on the printer now, we should know how the will work out tomorrow.


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