

A project log for MultiBot CNC v2

A low cost 3D printed CNC that can be built with minimal tools yet is capable of great things.

david-tuckerDavid Tucker 01/16/2022 at 00:140 Comments

I have been hung up on what software to use for my rotary axis for weeks now.  It is getting very frustrating. I have tried every software on my list twice now and none of them are winners so far.  I feel like somewhere out there is a great piece of software and I just can't find it.  Here is a breakdown of what I have found so far.

I'm not sure how many of my issues are user error or how many of them are just poor pickings.  I'm a computer developer by trade so I consider myself a reasonably qualified computer user, but still I'm having no luck at all with any of these packages.


Edit: I found another wrapper tool called GCODE Wrapper that is very similar to G-Code Ripper but it only wraps gcode without the other features.  The output from it looks just like the output from G-Code Ripper so I suspect that UGS is at fault for the code looking wrong.  

It gives me some hope that one or the other can be made to work.  Both are compromises, you cant directly model a part and turn it into gcode, you have to find a way to unwrap the 3D model first.  It is better than nothing but it is not full 4th axis support.


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