
New Pi Day: Pi 400 and Pidock 400

A project log for PiCarts: GPIO ROM Carts

Loading from ROM cartridges plugged into the GPIO port. Just like the old days.

dustinDustin 11/03/2021 at 19:220 Comments

Please pardon the low quality picture. My nice phone is no more, and I'm using my cheap phone. I'm also lazy, so there's that too. 

I've just gotten this awesome Pi 400 laptop set up, and I love it so far. The keyboard is better than I thought it would be, ad the screen is surprisingly great. I wasn't expecting much from this, but I'm happy so far. I received it this morning, but only had time to unbox, assemble, and pack it away in it's travel case it came with. It shipped with Raspbian Buster on the SD card, so I need to upgrade to Raspberry Pi OS when I get home. The wifi at Panera is dreadfully slow. The Pi itself runs well enough for me and I'm typing this up on the Pi. There's o way I'd want to set up a Pi 4 at a coffee shop, so this is a game changer for me. When I hit the road to travel again, I'll be able to take my Pi projects with me quite handily. 

I haven't started any of my project work yet, as I want the latest OS ad updates installed. I'll place an order for the new cartridge hardware here soon so I can get to work. Adafruit actually has a 512MB SD flash chip on a breakout board that I can work with. It uses the SPI interface, so is slow, but that's ok. They also have micro SD breakout boards so I can just use an SD card as a substitute for the actual flash chips I ruined trying to solder them. They even have FRAM chips in both SPI and i2C interface options that I can play with. I'll grab one of each of those two boards, a 512MB SD board, an SD card board, and some prototyping boards. That should give me plenty of memory options to work with and covers the three main interfaces I had been exploring for this project: SPI, 2C, ad SDIO. I'll order a GPO extension cable so I can still use Pi HATs with this crazy laptop thing. Another exciting addition to this device is a 3.5mm audio jack for headphones and such. I can listen to my music instead of everyone elses' while I work in public. Can't wait to get the new hardware in. I may order just a few of the pieces today and the rest next payday to be safe. Don't want to be dipping into savings. I had to pick up MORE gloves for work as I keep leaving them on the bed of the tow truck and driving away. It was $60 for 3 pairs of gloves today, which was money for this project. 

I will be using this Pi 400 with many different SD cards and operating systems. I have a 256GB I'll use with Ubuntu Mate, which will be my main system with all my music and movies on it. Just personal stuff. The card that came with this will have Raspberry Pi OS and be kept stock for development on this project. I'll install Android(Lineage OS) on another for access to my Android games and such if I can get it to work. I'll have another card for retro games as well. I already have a very nice SD card case, just need to fill it up. 

I could ramble on, but I need more time with this. All I know so far is that I really like it as a laptop, and I love the fact that it's a Raspberry Pi. I think this is exactly what I needed. Plenty more updates to come soon.
