But, the efficiency calculus must take into account that heat, and still is very high. So I guess that heat cannot be that much
@Danail Ivanov Re inspiration/feeling down etc: Great question. One of the key reasons I got into this whole activity was to address something that felt missing in my day-to-day life. I had a good job etc but I didn't actually have anything to physically show for a days hard work. Making stuff, addresses that for me. There is something very fulfilling about making something with your own two hands.
@Juan Sandubete Someone I know has 3D printed a "pancake" style Harmonic drive. Those use a wider spline and two internal gears. It removes the highly-stressed cup at the expense of slightly more backlash. So far it is looking like it might work. It ran several hours at 850 rpm input:
@juul van den bosch Not really, its a fairly straight forward project. John Wildings instructions talk the reader around all of the pitfalls :)
@andypugh good mental design btw! I tried to model them time ago with FreeCAD but I found it difficult. I think there was something like a toolbox for gears which was good
@Chris , and we're all extremely grateful that you took thisup :)
@Chris -- I can relate. Went through a midlife crisis of sorts when I realized my software development job amounted to nothing I could show mythen-young kids and say "Daddy made that". So, I built them a house.
@Dan Maloney Brilliant :)
@Dan Malone How did you get a copy of my biography?
I went the other way... My clock project led to me spending all my spare time writing CNC software :-)
Like, an adult-size house or a kid-size house? Either way, awesome!
@andypugh wow, it works well but that sound.. I bet they could not repeat the test
Certainly a number of online hobby engineering firms are glad I saw chris's youtube channel.....well money is fo spending after all,.
a good CAD program will save you a lot of trouble.
Inventor, Solidworks and Fusion are all fantastic packages to work with, expect that they are pricy @Juan Sandubete
i do have a hard time myself with freeCAD, yet the other 3 are a walk in the park
@kags ha ha! Can't take it with us!
@andypugh - But both improved the worls, and I think that's the point
That bit about spending 100% of the lathe costs on extra tools is an understatement. Mind you 1947 lathe not help
FreeCad seems kind of stuck in Y2K era
freeCAD just has the worst raw user experience ever. Nothing works like I expect.
my problem is that my work is clocks, but my hobby is also clocks. I pick up completely different hobby's next to clocks to get away from it all
FYI F360 has a free license option for hobbyists
with the hard hit on Fusion i am still shopping around for a new package for screwing around with at home
I think I have a lathe chuck fetish. I have 8 (for one lathe) but today was looking at 6-jaw ones...
@andypugh It's possible that there's another dimension to this too, that is the pure intellectual side of what we do as makers. We are almost all addicted to learning new stuff.
@Mark Jeronimus its a shame that you are limited in active projects and a lot of other fun stuff
@Chris , *Yes*.
@andypugh I need a new chuck from my ML7 but postage to nz.....
@juul van den bosch I know, I know, but I don´t usually design hard stuff, so I try to support the opensource stuff
Onshape isn't bad
Makers do not have deadlines and project targets - well only what we decide. If it takes longer or fails .... Nah
I just remembered the two chucks that fit the "living room lathe"
no string of words ever made me happier than "living room lathe"
you have changed my life
bedroom lathe?
Stop teasing
@Chris what about merging energy harvesting and very low power clocks?
@Juan Sandubete For an all-opensource CAD tool, I enjoy OpenSCAD. But I'm also a life-long software dev, so code is natural for me.
In my early days, my living room used to look worse than my hobby room
@juul van den bosch bad idea, I'll never get any sleep anymore if I have that
:D How about 'Indoor Man Cave' ?
I started using DesignSpark Mechanical and seems super easy for at least for the 3D prints I've made.
@Juan Sandubete Definitely. So many options for fine mechanism merging with scavanged or low grade power
sleep is for the weak
@Steve Pomeroy OpenSCAD has no moving (i.e. kinematically linked) parts. Only animated parts
@Fjodor It's a Rivett 608 on the oak stand. Closer to furniture than the average lathe: https://photos.app.goo.gl/shWLpMtfhJe74KyLA
@Mark Jeronimus very true! Gotta animate it with maths ;-)
@andypugh that's a beauty.
Oh hey, look at the clock -- that was a fast hour. I'd imagine Chris has to get about his workday now, so we'll have to let him go if that's the case. I just want to say a big thank you first. I asked Chris more than a year ago to come on the Hack Chat, and forces conspired to keep him busy for all that time. I'm really glad we stuck with it though - great stuff!
I use designspark as well,. It has quirks that are made acceptable by its ease of use.
@Steve Pomeroy I tried some Python for FreeCAD designing of savonius rotors indeed. Still working on that.
Thanks so much Chris!
thank you Chris
Thank you @Dan Maloney for the invite mate, it's been a real pleasure to be with you all :)
@andypugh Very nice. How old is it?
Aye, thanks Mr Spring
Thanks Chris ! very interesting topic. And thanks for the links and those stuff
And did you make the cabinet/
Have a great rest of the day, catch you all next time :)
Thanks Chris, really looking forward to more AKM vids!
@Chris See you monday
Thanks Chris
And thanks to all for the great questions. And for real this time, don't forget Zack's chat next week:
Finishing Your Projects Hack Chat
Zack Freedman will host the Hack Chat on Wednesday, February 10 at noon Pacific. Time zones got you down? Try our a handy time zone converter. Try as we might, some of us are much better at starting projects than finishing them.
That's right -- it'll be a "Zack Chat"
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