- Bugfixes
- 3.3V regulator added so the SD card isn’t supplied by the reference output of the USB-Serial bridge.
- Unused inputs on SD card buffer IC are grounded. Stock design leaves them floating.
- PCB layout fixed to follow standard PCB design guidelines including best practices for Trinamic drivers from the TMC2209 datasheet.
- Direct ground return path provided for each driver with minimal sharing between channels. Stock config has both channels on 4 drivers share a single circuitous path around the board that introduces current sensing errors.
- 2x 10uF 1206 ceramic capacitors added as close as possible to each driver chip.
- Ground planes maximized with via stitching to reduce noise and losses.
- Improvements
- Comes with Micro-B USB port standard. Mini-USB ports are not recommended on new designs because the port itself wears down over time and needs to be replaced, which requires soldering. With Micro-USB the cable wears down and can be easily replaced. The PCB layout supports both types.
- Added second fan control channel with 2 fan connectors for the controller and hotend fans. There is a jumper to select if they are always on or controlled by pin 29/A2 through marlin. They can be setup to turn on/off with either the hotend or stepper motors in marlin.
- 3-pin probe/bltouch header added with jumper to select beeper/probe for pin 27. Bltouch wire colors labeled on probe and Z stop connectors.
- 15A ATO fuse added
- ESD protection diodes added to 24V input, USB 5V+data pins and BLtouch data pin.
- All other external inputs protected with series resistors and clamp diodes to protect against voltage spikes and accidental shorts during setup.
- Low RDS(on) MOSFETs for bed and hotend stay cool to the touch with no heatsink necessary.
- VREF trimmers replaced with high quality sealed units with a non-conductive screwdriver port.
- .15ohm sense resistors, trimmed to 1.13V (580mA) for X/Y/Z axis and 1.27V (650mA) for E axis.
- TX and RX pins added to EXT-A2 jumper, to support adding an ESP8266 module for wireless printing
- Jumpers
- USB_POWER header allows enabling/disabling 5V input from USB jack.
- JP2 allows selecting Beeper or Probe on pin 27, external pin 27 board not necessary to add probe.
- JP_FAN1 controls whether hotend+controller fans connected to FAN1A and FAN1B are always on or controlled by pin 29/A2 through marlin.
- Status LEDs
- White LEDs running from 5VOUT on each driver show when they have power.
- Red LEDs on driver DIAG pins to show when drivers have a fault condition
- Red LEDs on hotend and heated bed MOSFET gates show when they are heating.
- Blue LEDs on FAN0 and FAN1 show when part cooling and controller+hotend fan are running
- Software Configuration
- Comes with Arduino bootloader installed and latest Marlin 2.0 stable
- Linear advance enabled with 0.0 k factor by default, which is equivalent to disabling. Can be set with GCODE M900 command, such as with Cura Linear Advance plugin.
- Babystepping enabled
- S-curve Acceleration enabled
- FAN1 setup as hotend cooling fan, so it should run whenever the extruder is over 50 degrees, which should be effective for most use cases.
Fantastic list of improvements. I suggest you promote this to BIGTREETECH to produce it at a good price. They are well known as a supplier of improved replacement boards for 3D printers. Have you produced a prototype yet?