
Ready for your feedback

A project log for OpenRemote Open Source IoT Platform

OpenRemote is the 100% open source IoT Platform, for smart buildings, smart cities, energy management, or any other IoT application

pierre-kilPierre Kil 03/30/2021 at 05:350 Comments

We're excited to announce our completely overhauled IoT Platform with an interface that makes it easy for both installers and project managers to configure their own IoT platform.

As you know we are 100% open source, so you can try and use it for free.

In the video you see some of the features that make it easy to create new projects for your customers and maintain multiple customers in one OpenRemote instance. Try it yourself by following the Get Started Guide.

Please note that the current platform is a release candidate, so we value your feedback. Breaking changes could still occur.
