I have gotten a lot of questions lately about what updates the Satran MK2 azimuth/elevation antenna rotator will have, compared to the first version. So I'll try to answer it here, but the list is long so lets hope I don't forget anything...
1. Stronger motors. It will have geared DC motors instead of steppers.
2. Less power consumption. The motors will only draw current when in motion.
3. Durable. I hope to make the entire housing in cast aluminum.
4. Smoother operation. MK2 will use real ball bearings on both axles.
5. Quieter. Regular motors do not make vibrating noises like stepper motors.
6. Less prone to interference. The control unit is externally located and the power and control cables are shielded to minimize EMI.
7. Weatherproof. Silicone sealed for permanent outdoor use.
8. Better positioning, potentiometers that instantly read the position.
9. Power regulator. It will run on any DC source 11-15 volts, or car battery.

The price will probably be a little higher (closer to 500 EUR), but you will get a lot more bang for your buck. Time to start saving your weekly allowance =)
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