Its not only a song by a local band called Melody Club, but "I'm electric" also states that the amazing and time-saving electric foundry is getting closer to completion.
I asked a good friend of mine to help me out in building a 2.1kW electric furnace instead of my currently horrendous wood-fired forge. Its a relatively easy setup but looks almost professional thanks to my friends excellent work.

The inside has a ceramic blanket surrounding a pile of chamotte-stones and a 12 meter long kanthal-wire turned into a spiral to give a nice 25ohm resistance, which in theory should give us 2100watt. Slightly below what my 10A outlets can handle. The bottom of the furnace is an old circular pizza oven stone that fit nicely inside the big steel bin.
I was up until late yesterday connecting all the wires, but for some reason the PID temperature controller didnt want to run on 12volt which the manual stated it would, so today I'll try 230vac instead and hope for better luck...
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