
Halfway to melted

A project log for SATRAN - Satellite Tracking Antenna

Wifi-controlled, azimuth/elevation antenna rotator.

daniel-nikolajsenDaniel Nikolajsen 04/30/2021 at 07:500 Comments

The injection molding machine is going according to plan (so far). Now I am about halfway finished until I can fill it up with ABS pellets and start melting...

The tower on top is for the hydraulic piston and the heated nozzle, which is gonna be quite large. It has an outer diameter of 42mm and stroke length of 200mm. It will hopefully enable me to make quite large parts, around 15x15x5cm (over 5x5x2 inches for those who dont speak metric).

The welds are definitely not beautiful, but holds up. My old welding machine had a crack in the hose so the protective gas never reached the nozzle. Therefore I switched to some cheap flux-filled thread instead that is pure crap, but still better than nothing. So number one on my christmas list... a new welder!
