
The last challenge

A project log for SATRAN - Satellite Tracking Antenna

Wifi-controlled, azimuth/elevation antenna rotator.

daniel-nikolajsenDaniel Nikolajsen 02/15/2022 at 07:571 Comment

Most of the components for the first batch is now in stock, but one big challenge remains before production can start for real. Aluminum casting. 

This is a true handiwork that requires good equipment, basic understanding and a lot of practice. But oh my is it rewarding when you pull it off. 

The sides for the housing are the most intricate and hardest to make. The first try was not a complete failure, but I need some more practice and tweaks to get the perfect finish and for the mold to fill up completely.


lemmy wrote 02/15/2022 at 13:03 point

Great work, like to see te compleet rotor soon.

Keep up the good work.

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