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A project log for Ethernet/Internet to Serial Adapter

Very simple way of adding internet connectivity to a project. Serial data going in gets relayed to a server and you get the response out

arthur-guyArthur Guy 08/13/2014 at 09:240 Comments

Version 4 of the PCB came back last week and it works!

The notable changes between v3 and v4 is the inclusion of a second LED connected to the ready output, and the breaking out of the reset pin.

The ready light is great when starting up to see if its connected to the internet correctly, this should turn on 1 to 4 seconds after the main power light to show that it has an ip address and has made the dns lookup.

The reset pin is a bit unnecessary now the watchdog timer is back up and running but it doesn't do any harm having it.

I have also listed the adapter on TIndie at cost price with the aim of getting a few people to test them for me.
