So with everything together I realized that I had to deal with a lot of wires.

If I were doing this again I would definitely put more thought into the whole wiring thing. But moving forward I need to try to to tame this mess. I decided to create a "shield" for the ESP32-CAM that would at least position the correct headers on the side that the wires were coming from.

Again if I could afford the shipping I would have made a PCB. As it is I'm getting lots of practice doing point-to-point wiring on proto boards for this project. I printed a card with the expected connections (which I assure you do line up with the pins when you don't have photo perspective issues). Here is the result.

A little better I think. I don't mind the showing what happens behind the curtains. So that's pretty much it for the hardware. Now to marry all of my little test sketches into a proper program for Think-a-Tron 2020.
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