
STM8S001J3M3 USB Dongle with CH330N

A Small USB Dongle for a Small Forth System

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I didn't want to use a solderless breadboard and a bunch of wires every time I test STM8 eForth code in hardware, and a small STM8S001J3M3 USB had long been on my wishlist.

Here it is: a CH330 USB-serial chip for the console interface (through PD5/UART_TX-RX), all GPIOs on an 8-pin header, pull ups for I2C and there is a NPN low-side output e.g. for IR LEDs. It has few components and is easy to assemble (mainly SO-8 and 0603). There is no power LED, which makes it spouse-friendly in the case that code needs to run overnight ;-).

Docs and files are on GitHub, and a set of 3 blank PCBs can be ordered from OSHPark for just $2.00.
  • Keychain STM8 Dongle: Github Repo Updated

    Thomas02/27/2021 at 09:49 0 comments

    I added a more complete header pin description and a few more use-case suggestions.


  • PCBs arrived from OSHpark, assembled, works!

    Thomas02/16/2021 at 06:15 0 comments

    It's been a while since I wrote about this: a tiny STM8S001J3M3 / CH330 board. I was reluctant ordering this board from @oshpark  as it's just $2 for a set of 3 PCBs (including shipping from the USA!).

    Since I updated the STM8S001RS485 node the order went up to $3.65. Shipping through USPS would have taken more than 5 weeks (plus up to 12 days for making the PCB of course), and I was OK with that...
    ... until someone from OSHpark reached out to tell me that my PCB got upgraded to Super Swift processing (5 business days!) AND to the FedEx "FAST" delivery service. As a result the boards were dropped in my mailbox after 8.5  days after I clicked "order"!

    I decided not to waste any time and assembled the first board on the same day.

    So here it is, my first working key-chain STM8 eForth "computer"

  • PCB ordered at OSHpark

    Thomas02/08/2021 at 20:04 0 comments

    I improved the STM8S001RS485 PCB board and ordered it together with this design @oshpark .

    I've been warned that the USPS is slow these days but I'll be patient.

View all 3 project logs

  • 1
    Get components

    Refer to BOM on GitHub repo
    Hint: some of the components are optional, refer to the comment at the end of the in the repo

  • 2
    Assemble the PCB

    I used the "tack and place" method. A good pair of tweezers helps.

  • 3
    Install STM8 eForth

    Connect your programmer, e.g. a ST-Link V2 clone to SWIM (I use a recent version of STM8FLASH). Clone the repo and build it with "make BOARD=STM8S001J3 flash".
    Alternatively download an STM8 eForth STM8S001J3 binary release archive.

View all 4 instructions

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