
Added real time clock

A project log for SpeakerIR

Enjoying TV with a smart Hi-Fi or speaker? Use your TV IR remote to control volume, instead of having the other one always around.

enrico-gueliEnrico Gueli 02/10/2021 at 18:230 Comments

Sometimes it would be nice to know what time it is while you're watching TV. Like when you're in lunch break while working from home and you have an upcoming meeting.

Since the Speaker has four nice 7-segment displays, and can connect to Internet, why not adding a real time clock?

First I introduced a mechanism for a "background text" to be displayed while no other important messages have to be displayed.

Then I grabbed the TIme library (here's an example using NTP) and hooked it up to the rest of the system. And added a little logic to turn it off and on with a rarely-used button of the remote control.

And there it is:
