With many people working from home for the foreseeable future, a way to notify everyone else in the household if you can be disturbed behind closed doors is crucial. A WiFi connected BusyLight using a Wemos D1 Mini and two NeoPixels can be placed outside the office door or anywhere else in the house. A GUI for color selection and (coming soon) calendar integration.
Busy Light Lid.stl
Standard Tesselated Geometry -
55.55 kB -
12/29/2020 at 03:11
Benedikt Hübschen's arduino program retrieved from https://www.hackster.io/benedikt-hubschen/office-busylight-1a8e30 and edited to work with Wemos D1 Mini
Print the bottom of the case and the lid in white.
Install components
Solder wires between the NeoPixels and connect to 3v3, Ground, and D8 on the Wemos. The NeoPixels are rated for and labeled 5v, but will work perfectly fine on 3v.
With many people working from home for the foreseeable future, having a portable wifi in every household is a smart idea to see the bright side of things. This project can be shown either outside the office entrance or within the residence. I hope they are successful in making this technology available to the general public.
Unfortunately as many experts who have been interviewed via Internet video can attest, kids will pay no attention to such barriers, much to the delight of audiences. 🤣
With many people working from home for the foreseeable future, having a portable wifi in every household is a smart idea to see the bright side of things. This project can be shown either outside the office entrance or within the residence. I hope they are successful in making this technology available to the general public.
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