Hi there!
You may have already seen the last video, but last week I had the opportunity to conduct two new test flights with R2home

The idea was to test the latest version of the system with an improved way to deploy the wing, as well as the automatic deployment of the wing at the desired altitude.
Here is the modification about the new improved way to attach the drogchute and dbag.
Before :

After :

And here is the video :
I also just published another longer video talking (in english!) in details about the project and the system :
I spent a fair amount of time on it so I hope you like it :)
See you soon (after few weeks of holidays for me!) for the next part of the adventure!
- Yohan
(For more technical details you might want to go check to github :https://github.com/YohanHadji/R2Home/releases/tag/V0.9)
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