
Sense and sensor ability

A project log for The Water Watcher

Monitoring the pilot light on my water heater.

wjcarpenterWJCarpenter 07/06/2021 at 01:180 Comments

A couple of weeks ago, readings from the light sensor went crazy. Starting at a certain point, the only two values ever reported were 0 and 64k. The latter (actually 0xFFFF) indicates saturation of the sensor. That was very bad for the use case, so I unplugged the upstairs display while I worked on it.

This started happening remarkably soon after I applied an ESPhome update and reflashed the code on the ESP8266 hosting the light sensor.  Since the driver for the TSL2591 is a custom component in ESPhome's point of view, I thought maybe there was an incompatibility in the update. I spent a lot of time horsing around with trying to get  an older version of ESPhome and matching PlatformIO working. That's probably a pretty simple thing for someone more familiar with that ecosystem, but I was basically in dependency hell. I eventually gave up and just ordered a new sensor in the hope that it wasn't a software problem after all.

Lo and behold, with the new sensor in place and firmware from the latest ESPhome, things were completely back to normal. So, I guess the sensor was bad after all. I haven't had a chance to play around with the CQRobot sensor to see if I could figure out what made it angry. I hope it's not the case that the heat coming through the viewing window eventually destroys the sensor. It would be a disappointment to have to replace it once or twice a year.

For the replacement sensor, I switched to Adafruit's board for the TSL2591. Like the CQRobot part, it has a nice socket for an interface cable, though it's a different size (a bit smaller in all 3 dimensions). I got lucky on shipping, and it arrived from New York City to my Seattle-area home in just 3 days. W00t!

The readings for the 3 interesting states of the gas flame are not the same with this board. That could be related to manufacture of the board, factory calibration of the sensor, or something as simple as my placement of the board onto the viewport window. (Since this board has connectors at both ends, it sits naturally on the glass at a different angle than the CQRobot board.) Even though they are not the same values, they were still just fine for the thresholds I had already put into the firmware.

(I was a little worried because I tested the board by shining a flashlight onto it. The readings were the 64k saturation value, and I feared it was a software problem after all. But I guess that just shows the high quality of my flashlight. Once I installed it on the water heater viewport, I got suitable values with no further adjustments.)


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