
coming back to my sensors

A project log for The Water Watcher

Monitoring the pilot light on my water heater.

wjcarpenterWJCarpenter 11/18/2022 at 01:080 Comments

It turns out I was completely wrong about what was going on with my faulty sensor readings. It took me weeks to figure it out, partly due to my own carelessness. Here are some thing I tried that did not work:

# This is an explicit text sensor that gets the same value as the
# message we send to waterwatcher. No explicit update interval because
# a value gets published when we do the rest of the flame status
# processing.
  - platform: template
    name: "${node_name} flame status text"
    id: i_flame_status_text
    icon: mdi:fire
    update_interval: never

OK, if you've read this far, you may have already guessed. The problem was the USB power supply that I was using. I assume it was marginal but worked OK for a year or two. Then it degraded for some reason to become "not OK". But wait, I had replaced the power supply as one of the many physical things in the system. Both the original and the replacement were just old phone chargers that I pulled out of my junk box. It looks like I replaced Crap with Also Crap. When I finally plugged the ESP32 into a high-quality USB power supply, things instantly became rock steady and stable.


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