Problem statement
According to recent researches “Light pollution now affects a quarter of the planet’s land surface. The falling cost of lighting and the expansion of human infrastructure is to blame. Human illumination is rising in range and intensity by approximately 2% every year. Biologists from the University of Exeter are comparing the problem to climate change. They say that artificial light should be treated like any other type of pollution because its impact on the natural world causes severe systemic disruptions. A broad range of species is suffering interruptions in their activity patterns, breeding cycles, hormone levels, and falling vulnerable to predators. Light pollution is being described as the bringer of the insect apocalypse because it’s causing rapid declines in insect populations. Many bugs fly to the light and burn to death on a hot bulb. The Exeter biologists gathered 126 research papers relating to artificial light and nature to assess the impact and wrote a report on their analysis. They found that all the animal species reported on had reduced melatonin levels – a sleep-regulating hormone – caused by artificial light at night. All animals suffered from disturbing behavioral patterns as well.” The research concluded by stating “Solving the lighting problem is much easier than the climate crisis, and it would save money rather than cost money. All people have to do is use fewer lights – and when they do, they’ll save money and lower their carbon footprint.”
Our Solution
This project is about building a new system that can give protection for insects and bugs from flying into street light and burn to death on the hot bulb. This is the next big problem on energy companies because the more conservationalist push this problem like the bird collusion on wind turbine and other problems it will force regulation on power minimization which will lower demand for energy providers. This is done by building a street light cover that can absorb the majority of the heat generated by the hot bulb while fully allowing the light to pass through. This can be achieved using a vacuum technology. Meaning, in this mechanism there are two fully transparent glasses and in between them there is a vacuum. As the light generated by the hot bulb start to be functional it reaches the first fully transparent glass and the majority of the heat is absorbed at this stage because the inner glass is attached with the pole for heat exchange. The major role of the vacuum is to contain the heat from getting out in to the second fully transparent glass. This way the second layer of the fully transparent glass will have low surface temperature while the heat is made to be dissipated in the pole via the heat exchange. This will solve the problem mentioned above while perfectly preserving demand of street light.
Many, many insects look at the moon (nowadays the artificial light source) and estimate the angle between it and their trajectory for navigation. In order to fly a straight line the angle is held constant. This works because the moon is far away. Under artificial moons, the angle changes continously, making them fly circles around the source until total exhaustion. So, many insects do not die because of burning.
However, cooling the light sources surface temperature is nice, and I like it and of course it will save many lifes. But you will not need vacuum. Vacuum will make it more complex, probably preventing it from being mass adopted. Additionally, if the distance to the outer shell is small, it will get hot from infared radiation.
So, I suggest building a simple surrounding glass shell with a single wall and a large diameter so that the transmitted areal surface energy density is reduced to low levels.