Wemos D1 Mini (you could use other ardunio based boards)
Jumper wires (if you do not want to print a PCB)
General purpose PCB (once again if you do not want to print a PCB)
II. Software requirements:
The code has been tested and found to be working with the following versions of software
Arduino IDE – 1.8.13
Fastone image resizer
Fritzing – Any version
Arduino Libraries
ArduinoJson – 5.13.5
Adafruit ST7735 and ST7739 Library – 1.6.0
Adafruit GFX Library – 1.10.4
TFT – 1.2.1
Connection Diagram
The connections have been made in the Breadboard section of the Fritzing software as shown above. Mind the “Lite” pin connection, without which the backlight will not work.
PCB Design
In the PCB tab of the Fritzing software, the PCB size and connections can be finalized. This design is difficult to be fabricated as a single layer board, hence two layers are being used. The pins have been labelled as the silkscreen print. The final PCB design has been shown below. You could use the “autoroute” function if you find it difficult to route the tracks.